
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Computer Languages Essays - Programming Languages, C, Source Code

Computer Languages Despite having very little knowledge of the world of computer programming, I have come to believe that C++ is currently the programming language of choice. If that is the case, it would be easiest to only learn C++ and to ignore the other programming languages. However, computer programmers should not ignore the other programming languages for at least three important reasons. One, some computers might not accept C++ as a programming language. Two, there may be features of other programming languages that are superior to C++. Three, there are many useful programs written in languages besides C++ that can only be modified with knowledge of those other languages. For these reasons, it is important that all good programmers are able to adapt to other programming languages. The intention of this lab is to create computer programmers who are able to adapt to many different programming languages. Section I: Examining High-Level Programming Languages Introduction to Section I In this section, six previously-prepared programs, written in the programming languages Fortran, Pascal, and C, are looked at and compared. For each program a hypothesis is formed about the function the program serves, and the way in which the program performs that function. Also included in the hypothesis is a description of what makes the programming language easy or difficult to read. Testing the hypothesis is simply a matter of compiling and running the program using a variety of inputs. For each experiment in this section, I wrote out a hypothesis for the program before I tested it. Then, after testing the program, I prepared a conclusion about how the program works. Experiment 1: oddeven.f Hypothesis I believe that the Fortran program will first ask for how many numbers are in your list of numbers. Then it will read in all the numbers in your list, one at a time and tell you if the number that you just entered is even or odd. The program will keep track of how many of your numbers are even and how many are add. After you have entered in all the numbers in your list, it will print out how many of your numbers are odd and how many are even. The Fortran language is fairly easy to understand, so forming my hypothesis of what the program would do was not a very difficult task. Most of the commands used in Fortran are words that represent their function like "PRINT *," "READ *," "IF," "THEN," and "END." On the other hand, Some of the commands used, like "DO 11 I =1" and "MOD," are vague and not easily understood. The print commands are especially helpful for checking my hypothesis. Because the print commands were written to give the user a good idea of what the program is doing, they also helped me figure out what the program is going to do. Conclusion The program behaved pretty much as I thought it would in my hypothesis. First the program instructed me to "Enter length of list." Then I was to enter in the numbers in my list one by one, and after each number the computer either responded with "[number] is even" or "[number] is odd. After I had entered in all the numbers in my list, the program printed out how many of my numbers were even and how many were odd. The program did not even mess up when I entered in decimal numbers, instead it just truncated the number and proceeded as if the truncated number was the number to be evaluated. Unfortunately, the program did label zero an even number, which it isn't, but that is a fairly minor mistake. Also, I happened to have noticed that if I was entering numbers, and screwed up, the program wouldn't let me delete the last number I entered. This is kind of a drawback, but I don't know how one would go about fixing that problem. Experiment 2: weather.p Hypothesis To begin with, the program will print the following "Good day. My name is Ronald Gollum. I'm stuck in this box until quitting time. Please chat with me about the weather. Is it raining now?" The computer will store the user's answer to this question under a variable titled "Ans." If your answer to the question is Y or y, then the computer will store the value true under the Boolean variable titled "Raining." If your answer to that question is not Y or y, then the program will store the value False in "Raining" and then print the message "Too bad.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Muralist Painters of Mexico essays

The Muralist Painters of Mexico essays Mural painting is one of the oldest and most important forms of artistic, political and social expression. Mexican muralists, Diego Rivera, Jos Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro Siqueiros revived this form of painting in Mexico. Their murals were based on the political and social conditions of the times. During the beginning of the 20th century, Mexico went through a political and social revolution and the government began to commission a number of huge frescos to celebrate its achievements. The muralist movement would not only have great effect on their own country but the rest of the world as well. The first modern artists from a Hispanic country in the Western Hemisphere whose art attracted worldwide attention were these painters known as Mexican muralists. The best known of the Mexican muralists, Diego Rivera filled the walls of public buildings in Mexico and the United States with enormous murals praising social revolution. David Alfaro Siqueiros was another of the great Mexican muralists, and also very active with the political revolutions of his country. Jos Clemente Orozco was the third famous muralist and is thought to be more crude and cynical than Rivera and his pictorial language may be less sophisticated, but he is more direct in pointing out social injustices. During the first two decades of the 20th century, Spanish modernists introduced Latin American painters to impressionism, postimpressionism, symbolism and art nouveau. Mexican painter Saturnino Herran used symbolism in his mural project, Our Gods, (1904-18) which nobly posed native Mexicans as powerful symbols of Mexican identify. His mural served as a model for many large-scale murals that were commissioned in the 1920s. The Mexican Revolution (1910-20) also found a voice in the public mural. Diego Rivera as well as others defined this moment in Mexican history. He was influenced by European modernism, studying in Spain and Paris and working ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Immigration and asylum law (uk) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Immigration and asylum law (uk) - Assignment Example In advising Sanko on the merits of his application for asylum each of these issues are considered. Fear of Persecution The first important step in considering Sanko’s application for asylum is determining whether or not Sanko can legitimately claim refugee status. According to Article 1(2) of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees 1951, refugee status is justifiable when: Owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.1 Based on Article 1(2) of the Refugee Convention, the main issue is whether or not Sanko’s fear of persecution is well- founded and whether or not Sanko reasonably fears that he will not be accorded protection against the perceived probability of persecution. Based on the facts of the case for discussion, Sanko fears that given that his car was stolen and used in a political murder, there are fears that his imputed political connections makes him vulnerable to execution, unlawful killing and torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in the DRC. If indeed these fears are real, Sanko then has a claim for refugee status under Article 1(2) of the Refugee Convention on the grounds of political opinion. In order to determine whether or not Sanko’s fears are well-founded the Home Office Border Agency report on the DRC is instructive. According to the Home office’s report on the DRC, up to 2012, there have been significant reports of political murders and human rights abuses in the DRC and there is no sign of these incidents tapering off any time soon. It also appears that civilia n lives and human rights are endangered by the ruling political party, the opposition, the military and law enforcement.2 In MM (UDPS members – Risk on return) Democratic Republic of Congo CG the appellant appealed against a decision by the Home Office to refuse the appellant’s application for asylum and leave to enter the UK. The Immigration Appeals Tribunal noted that although it continues to accept that â€Å"low level members/sympathisers of† of the opposition â€Å"will not be at real risk on return to the DRC in the current climate,† however, it was too soon in the political transition to establish a blanket rule.3 The tribunal therefore stated that: The risk category to those having or being perceived to have a military or political profile in opposition to the government is one that fluctuates in accordance with the political situation.4 Sanko’s political association is not revealed. However, his political profile is one in which he is perc eived as opposed to the government. This conclusion can be drawn from the fact that his car was used in murder of a government minister by rebels fighting the government. The fact that Sanko learned that his car was used in the murder of the government minister is evidence that Sanko can be and very probably has been identified as the killer and will be persecuted as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should abortions be legal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Should abortions be legal - Essay Example Many people justify abortion on the basis of the fact that the choice of abortion lies in the hands of the mother but many ethical groups argue against this issue. They present with the fact that abortion is basically the killing of a living being and hence it is morally unjustified. Abortion is an important subject and it may be considered to be legally justified in cases where the life of the mother is at stake and in other extreme cases but abortion with no strong grounds should not be permitted legally. The rise in the population of the world has resulted in the utilization of different methods of contraception. The usage of these methods is to prevent unwanted pregnancies and childbirths. Abortion is also a technique utilized for the avoidance of an unwanted pregnancy. Abortion is defined as the ending of the pregnancy by choice which results in the death of the products of conception (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The procedure of abortion is utilized for different reasons which include family planning, contraception as well as putting a control on the population. A more important purpose of abortion is for saving the pregnant woman from life threatening emergencies that may result if the pregnancy is continued. There are different techniques utilized for carrying out the procedure of abortion. These include the administration of drugs which result in the expulsion of the fetus. The second technique is the surgical intervention whereby abdominal surgery is performed to remove the fetus. The last method is the insertion of surgical instruments through the cervix for removal of the fetus (Willke, 1985). The procedure of abortion is legalized in the United States. Despite of this legalization, the procedure is losing its popularity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, there was a subsequent reduction of a percentage of 3.8 in the ratio of abortion between the years 1999 and 2000 (Elam-Evans et al 2003). Furthermor e, the younger generation has also shown its support for the anti-abortion laws and youths in the United States have expressed of the fact that the procedure of abortion should be legally unjustified until and unless the pregnancy becomes life threatening for the mother. Abortion has been viewed as a negative procedure which tends to lead to the death of a potential life and it is argued to be equivalent to a murder (Hayt, 2003). Thus, the subject of abortion has become an important subject and though it has been legalized, there have been many arguments to reconsider this decision owing to the fact that it yields no good to the society. References Top of Form Elam-Evans, L. D., Strauss, L. T., Herndon, J., Parker, W. Y., Bowens, S. V., Zane, S., Berg, C. J., ... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (January 01, 2003). Abortion surveillance--United States, 2000.Mmwr. Surveillance Summaries : Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Surveillance Summaries / Cdc,  52,  12, 1- 32. Hayt, Elizabeth.(2003, March 30). Surprise, Mom: I'm Against Abortion. The New York Times. Retrieved from: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/30/style/surprise-mom-i-m-against-abortion.html Bottom of Form Part II: Anti-Thesis Abortion is an issue that arose and became a subject central to debates in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century. The Supreme Court of the United States took a final stand on the issue and the procedure of abortion was legalized in the year 1973 following the legal case of Roe v Wade.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

It is up to you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

It is up to you - Essay Example Cultural relativism is defined as a principle by which an individual’s beliefs and activities are only subject to judgment based on that particular individual’s culture. In fact, it holds the view that no culture is superior to any other culture with respect to morality standards, politics, law and any other considerable aspects unique to individual cultures. Cultural relativism and moral relativism share a lot of similarities and it is widely believed that after World War II, following the popularization of the principle of cultural relativism, the term â€Å"cultural relativism† was commonly mistakenly used to mean â€Å"moral relativism†. Moral relativism undermines the rule of law. The formation of laws is based on a fixed standard stand on a moral issue that has to be adhered to; otherwise one may have to face consequences. Moral relativism on the hand is based on the belief of non-existence of absolute morals. Rights and wrongs are purely dependent on a person’s preferences and opinions on the matter. Take for example rape, a person accused of rape might claim innocence and absolve from any wrongdoing on the basis of moral relativism. The rapist might argue that rape is right within his personal beliefs and culture. However brutal this sounds, a moral relativist finds it logical. Rape in this case cannot be seen as wrong, and probably the strongest opinion that can be made out of it is â€Å"I don’t like it.† This contradiction of the law may result in a chaotic situation where everyone does anything anywhere and at any time as long it suits their preferences (Shumacher). Christians and other religions alike believe that there exists a supreme being who is the standard authority for morals by which they abide by. Rights and wrongs are, therefore, based on God’s moral law. For moral relativists, God is nonexistent. Their disregard of a

Friday, November 15, 2019

Recruitment Selection of Internally Motivated Employees

Recruitment Selection of Internally Motivated Employees Growth in Global companies today demands the increasing need of recruitment and selection process. The number of expatriates has increased over the last 30 years due to increase in the number of mergers and acquisitions. Recruiting an expatriate is mostly associated with increase in the salary range, improvement in hierarchal levels. But the facts that there will be drastic change in the culture change in social life, career risks, are all very important aspects to consider when planning a recruitment process in an organization. The role of a HR manager is to enable individuals to achieve organizational goals and objectives. To ensure a successful gain, they need to know who these people are, where they are from, how they can be developed for personal fulfillment and to achieve organizational goals, and the impact of external constraints. All these come together and demand the need of formulation of HR functions in an organization. They are involved in the development and implementation of HR strategies and policies and various people management activities like human resource planning, talent management, knowledge management, recruitment selection, learning and development, reward management, employee relations, health and safety, welfare and any other matters related to employment relationship. Ulrich (1998) pints out that: The activities of HR appear to be and often are disconnected from the real work of the organization. He believes that HR should not be defined by what is does but by what it delivers. It is often a face there are a limited number of employees willing to travel within the organization. Considering other specifications like their past work experience, technical skills, ability to be flexible with teams, job requirements and period of expatriation as well. In many cases, Human resources team tends to select a candidate who is willing to take the overseas opportunity. Lack of effective selection process and emphasized technical requirements listed out are the major reasons for failure in the process. To handle successful HR operations an organization need to consider both internal and external contexts that has great influence on the business. External contexts could be including Political, Economic Social Technological contexts. However many organizations today operation in a global context, that direct HR managers to develop an international strategy considering the cultures and values. One of the key concerns that often lead to failure in recruiting an employee in cross cultural context is related to family concerns. According to Tung (1987) and Forster (2000) the inability of the spouse in adopting foreign environment and language issues are the general causes of a failed expatriate. Bonache Brewster (2001) illustrated the survey conducted by Windham International and the National Foreign Trade Council (1999) is mentioned that a large number of international assignments are turned down in between the time due to personal family and spouse issues. It is also important to understand that a successful domestic operation with well framed policies and procedures leads to improvement in handling international operations. Companies need to show strong need for a proper recruitment and selection processes. Briscoe, Schuler (2004) believe that it is definitely important to understand that the HR in International context is different from its domestic counterpart in many ways. This includes Multifunctional IHR department Expanding the areas of expertise Having to face much greater challenge in recruiting and selection international employees and many more. Role of well developed Cross Cultural HR practice in Recruitment and selection processes of internal motivated employees: Recruitment of candidates plays a very important role of the major HR function and this becomes specific in an international cross cultural context. Bratton and Gold (2003) illustrates recruitment as: the process of generating a pool of capable people to apply for employment to an organization. Selection is a discrete and subsequent process, by which managers and other use specific instruments to choose from a pool of applicants a person or persons most likely to succeed in the job(s), given management goals and legal requirements. A close look at the importance of managing employees with various cultures explains the need of strategic and planned process of choosing employees in an international organization. Ghemawat (2001) describes that there can be significant impact in employees relations, that further explained and clarified the importance of right recruitment and selection process in organizations. Within the narrow description of recruitment it is typically seen as occurring in two main stages: the formative basic work and recruitment practices such as sources and methods that end with the arrival of applications. The most important consideration before the process understands the kind of need: whether an organization is considering new staff of replacing existing staff members. The traditional recruitment cycle: Recruitment Job Description Job Analysis Person Specification Person Analysis: Flexibility to relocate, Family, prior expatriation. Selection (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2005) Job analysis: Job analysis is often referred as the information on which two significant recruitment documents are based: job and person specifications. It involves in collecting systematic information about the job from current incumbents and/or their colleagues (Newell and Shackleton, 2000). Analysis on the particular positions need would rather is the first appropriate for a HR manager. This enables him to take decision on designing a better description and specifications. The specifications play a very keen role when the need of recruitment techniques becomes important. This importances becomes challenge when facing a job analysis in a cross cultural context. Wanous (1992) referred the recruitment technique is a theoretically derived from an individual need of an organization culture matching process is the realistic job preview that presents the candidate with negative and positive aspects about a particular job. This allows the candidate to match the organizational climates and individual wants. Mac Bartine (2007) illustrates five important steps in analyzing a job basing on the cultural demands of the job. The steps help HR team in gathering more information about the job, about what qualifications for the right candidate should have. Asking yourself: The needs of accomplishment of the new employee that are expected to take the position on periodic basis. A detailed list out will help the HR team in furnishing better Job Analysis process. Implementing the best cross cultural HR practice would result in success in recruitment and selection process. Identifying basic roles and responsibilities of the job and conducting a critical evaluation basing on the cultural demands. Day to day activities of the employee? Resources that the employee is expected to be use in the job? Is the employee expected to handle any team under his supervision? If so will there be any conflicts basing on the team past behavior? Will the employee be allocated any tasks that are important to handle basing on the cultural demands on the country other than typical roles to be performed? The next step in job Analysis is measuring the need of tasks of the employee. Comparison of the present roles of the employee to the tasks expected to handle and measure them using Key Resolution Areas (KRAs). Measuring the abilities of the employee: Stress management, flexibility etc. Discussing with the team if there will be any differences between the roles of the job comparing with the past and expected to be in future. Discussion with subject matter experts locally and also with the experts placed abroad. Job Descriptions: A well written Job Descriptions plays a very important in a cross-cultural context. They are understood as written statement that describes the duties, responsibilities, required qualifications, and reporting relationships of a particular job. Job Descriptions are the further steps of Job Analysis and allows the organizations to perform better. There are various important aspects that should be taken into consideration when writing a job description for any international assignment. A poorly framed description can result in the failure of an international assignment. Other than the general important aspects of describing a job on the roles, skills base, vision base, objectives and goals base that are set with complete expectations from the candidate, offering and expectations on the relocation should also be listed accordingly. Susam.M (2000) describes that a well-written job descriptions organization employees, who must work with the person hired, understand the boundaries of the persons responsibilities. Person Specification: Crafting persons specifications gives the HR team a chance to understand on what the organization really need from the job. Most often employers rush to hire person to fill in the position but misses to find the need. (Adelà ¨ Bird) While the job description describes the job, persons specification describes the skills, experience, knowledge and aptitudes of the desired candidate he/she should have to fill the position appropriately. Applicant will have clear understanding of those details only if the above listed specifications are listed. Unfair discrimination attracts widest range of potential employees internally within the organization and externally. The need for closer look at the persons specification is critical when hiring for an international assignment. HR management demands high amount of cross cultural knowledge in handling these assignments. Person Analysis is the most important aspect of person specification, when hiring for an international assignment. 1) Knowing the flexibility of the employee in adjusting towards the cultural changes and adoption to new work atmosphere. 2) Knowing the family background of the employee make it necessary in taking the decision. It is studied that majority of the international assignment fail due to spouse unable to adopt the culture. 3) Knowing the employee about his/her past experiences of international travel will help the HR team in judging the flexibility of the candidate. Selection of future expatriates is the further challenge of HR team in across cultural context. Measuring technical and professional education is possible all the time, but skills like interpersonal communication is also required to be assessed when refereeing current and previous colleagues or superiors. However there are various factors that that are difficult to be measure when selecting an employee to go abroad (J. Kline Harrison, 1994) Profile of expatriates qualification: According to Harrison there are certain traits and characteristics that are identified as predictors for expatriate assignment successful. It is not that without these traits are guaranteed to achieve successful expatriation but without them the chances of failure is higher. They include technical ability, managerial skills, cultural empathy, adaptability, diplomacy, language ability, positive attitude, emotional stability and maturity, and adaptability of family. This summarizes that besides technical ability, professional skills and role discrimination, behavioral components have to be taken into account during the selection process. Otherwise the assignment results in unexpected culture shock to the employee. The dual career problem importance of spouse and family As a part of selection process it is identified that spouse and family plays a very vital role. The family situation of the expatriate has great importance in successful expatriation assignments. It is often noticed that an unhappy family or spouse of the employees assignment is terminated before the mentioned period. Duel career problem happens when the spouse leave his/her present job and travels along with expatriate and finally found no job matching his/her education, often get isolated and irritated. An assessment of the family members makes it important during the process of recruitment and selection which can avoid the damage up to an extent. Most of the global companys still lack effective methods of selecting managers for international assignments. If a company is very successful in domestic movements, it does not mean that the knowledge of selecting managers for international assignments is completely accumulated. An integrated screening and selection system to determine the aptitudes of the candidates make it more important in the selection process. Kealey (2006) suggested components consisting of aspects that play vital role in selection process in a cross-culture atmosphere. Developing skills and knowledge profile- qualifications of the employee need to me matching with the job requirements, cultural constraints and the host organization environment. Procedures for planning and implementing of selection process- regular personality tests during the selection process, biographical data questionnaires, structured interviews and behavioral assessment techniques; Monitoring the past overseas performance. One of the leading ideas that organizations follow is that they were preferring couples working in organizations specially in senior management team, so that the plan of expatriation have very few chances of failure. The family will remain expatriates together with clear understandings. The results of the above study show that there are various issues in handling Human Resources at a view of recruitment and selection processes at a globalised organization. According to Tung (1987) one of the key causes for the premature return of expatriates from overseas assignment was related to concerns of family. This supports previous studies on expatriate failure indicating the inability of the spouse to adapt to the foreign environment as the frequent cause of the early return of the expatriates back to their home country. A carefull understanding of the recruitment and selection process can reduce the failures in international assignment. A major challenge of Hr team is to develop strategies in improving the processes better. The Recruitment and Selection process is the key in the human resources department as its so effective to the businesses it credits by taking in people that want to benefit the business. The recruiting and selecting has so many responsibilities to go thorough from a vacancy arising to planning and preparing a job to selecting the right candidate. One of the main issues of this process is the selecting as it does not show much expertise. These are all the aspects of having a fair treatment in the employability, this is what brings in the public view of the organisation of being a well structured company.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

B2B and International Exercise

In the conduct of this study, the question that must always be put in our mind is if there is a possibility for the city of Scottsdale and Marrakesh to have a business transaction to improve their economy as a whole. After reading all the necessary materials regarding the economic condition of the two cities, I have learned that Marrakesh has a 55. 5 % rate of share of services in the totality of the city’s GDP. Moreover, Morocco is also known for its industry in mining, food processing, leather goods, textiles and tourism. In terms of their educational attainment level, only 52% of the total population is literate.Its export commodities are mostly clothing, fish, crude minerals, fertilizer, transistors and inorganic chemicals. On the other hand, one of the â€Å"booming† industries in Scottsdale is the business and professional industry that enables them to have an impressive economic growth for the past years. They are also known for their best resorts destinations an d high technologies and bio-technology. Feasibility Study Based from the above facts that I gathered, I could say that there is a great possibility of having business with Marrakesh.In the industry of tourism, since Marrakesh is known for their tourism, Scottsdale could develop resorts in Marrakesh. The high rate of tourists that goes to Marrakesh would serve as an opportunity for the Scottsdale to put up resorts. If this would go to happen, tourists in Marrakesh will continue to increase. At the same time, while benefiting the Scottsdale, the resort that will be established would surely cut the unemployment rate of Marrakesh since jobs will be provided to their citizens and, in the later years, could uplift the poverty rate of Marrakesh (Shagazatova).On the other hand, since there is a high illiteracy rate in Marrakesh, and there are a lot of professionals in Scottsdale like teachers, Scottsdale could invest in establishing schools in the Marrakesh in order to uplift their rate of literacy. The schools that I am referring here are only vocational schools, will also provide basic knowledge regarding literacy, that might be a good help in the booming industry of Marrakesh (Ranis). With this, Scottsdale could also get workers from the schools that they had established. With the median age of 24 years, there would be no doubt that Marrakesh industry is concentrated on the service sector.Most of the companies here must be labor intensive in order to take advantage of the large pool of laborers in the market. Wage rate is expected to be low compared to other countries (Phelps). This is also one of the reasons why it is advantageous to put up a business in Marrakesh aside from its economic opportunities in the current days. Since Scottsdale is well known for its business services, it would be a good decision to establish a service oriented company in Marrakesh. It could be in line with the transistor’s industry or textile industry that can be provided by Scot tsdale to the workers of Marrakesh.Data Gathering and Recommendations Through the suggested strategies above would definitely benefit both of the cities. Marrakesh could take advantage of the job opportunity that Scottsdale’s investors bring with them and the latter could take advantage of the tremendous amount of laborers in Marrakesh as well as the low operational costs in terms of the wage rate. After presenting this paper to the Scottsdale’s officials, data gathering in Marrakesh economic standing should be implemented right away in order to validate the theories that we have cited in this paper.The data’s were then studied by the economic analysts of Scottsdale in order to have an in depth understanding of the current status of Marrakesh and in order for us to be guided in the actions that we are going to undertake. REFERENCES Phelps, Edmund S. â€Å"Low-Wage Employment Subsidies Versus the Welfare State. † 2007. Ranis, Gustav. â€Å"Human Developme nt and Economic Growth. † 2004. Shagazatova, Batir Mirbabayev and Malika. â€Å"The Economic and Social Impact of Tourism. † 2005.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Corcentric Announces

Correction Announces 2014 Scholarship Program Winner 1888 Press Release Correction, a leading provider of accounts payable automation and electronic Invoice Eng solutions, today announced that It has awarded Its annual Accounting Software School rashly to Kathleen Bells, of Battle Ground, WA. MCLEAN, VA Ms. Bells, who wrote the winning essay, addresses the following question posed by Correctly. Today, with online banking, debit cards, and Papal payments, managing your person al finances may seem easier. But with no actual cash changing hands, tracking your account balances become sees increasingly important?If you were teaching a course on managing personal finances, using your own experiences as an example, how would you instruct your students to take charge and manage their final once effectively? In her response, Ms. Believe discusses the challenges of effectively managing her peers Anal finances, while also balancing school and her home life. She explains, â€Å"What I have pers onally found useful LU is to keep my receipts, set rules for spending limits, and to set a weekly alarm to sit down and review my sac aunt. She discusses the sessions she has learned through her personal experiences and how they could be he Full in teaching other students the importance of effectively managing their own personal finances. The Correction Accounting Software Scholarship was created to help offset the increase singly heavy cost of college and is open to all currently enrolled full time college freshmen, sophomores, and Juniors, as well as college bound, U. S. High school seniors. Correcting thanks all the participants who submitted essays and wishes them well n their endeavors.About Correctly For more than 15 years, Cornstalk's cloud based financial process automation solutions have revolutionized how the world's largest organizations manage and protect their financial assets. By c neglecting best practices with deep expertise, Cornstalk's ground breaking Accounts Paya ble and Accounts Receivable automation solutions have enabled organizations to reduce costs, streamline processes, and Provo Did unmatched visibility executives need to make critical business decisions. Learn more at http://www. Correction. Com or call 888. 525. 7677. ###

Friday, November 8, 2019

Gilbert Newton Lewis essays

Gilbert Newton Lewis essays The conclusion of a manuscript located at the Bancroft Library at UC Berkeley, laid the words: "I have attempted to give you a glimpse...of what there may be of soul in chemistry. But it may have been in vain. Perchance the chemist is already damned and the guardian the blackest. But if the chemist has lost his soul, he will not have lost his courage and as he descends into the inferno, sees the rows of glowing furnaces and sniffs the homey fumes of brimstone, he will call out-: 'Asmodeus, hand me a test-tube... Gilbert Newton Lewis was by far one of the greatest and most powerful of American chemists. These words come from a man who was the most well-known figure in a great revolution that brought America to the front in chemistry. Lewis influenced this revolution by both his teaching and his research. Throughout the course of the nineteenth century, many nations in Europe dominated science, but the first half of the twentieth century brought a tidal wave of scientific research that thrust America to the forefront. Lewis taught at Harvard and MIT before becoming a Professor and Dean at the University of California at Berkeley, whose then languishing College of Chemistry he single-handedly transformed into one of the nation's best. Lewis became the mentor to 290 Ph.D. recipients and 20 Nobel Prize winners. For example, he directed the experiments that resulted in the discovery of elements 93-106. In his own work, Lewis combined strict discipline in collecting and organizing data with innovative interpretation of the results. In the early 1930s, he became the first scientist to produce "heavy water," with double-weight hydrogen atoms, which was essential to early experiments in atomic energy. He also worked with Ernest Lawrence in the invention of the cyclotron and in early atom-smashing experiments. From the late 1930s to his death in 1946, Lewis focused on photochemistry. In fact, it was he who coined the term "...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The eNotes Blog In Praise of Reading andFiction

In Praise of Reading andFiction Last October, Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa was awarded the Nobel Prize for his writing about the political power struggles of Latin America. In an article following the award, The New York Times called Vargas Llosa an anti-totalitarian intellectual whose work covers the range of human experience, whether it is ideology or eros. This week, the acceptance speech the author delivered, titled In Praise of Reading and Fiction,  was made available in print. Its topic, while perhaps not surprising, presents a big argument, says critic and professor Alan Cheuse. That argument? Why fiction is valuable. Vargas Llosa certainly does not write exclusively in fiction. But works of imagination are the ones which the author treasures most. He considers why this is so and recalls: I learned to read at the age of five in Brother Justinianos class at the De la Salle Academy in Cochabomba. I remember clearly how the magic of translating the words in books into images enriched my life, breaking the barriers of time and space. Furthermore, the author believes that fiction has helped his country and others embroiled in political and military conflict imagine themselves into a different way of being. Without fiction, he declares,   we would be less aware of the importance of freedom in making life livable. Curiously, the same year that Mario Vargas Llosa won the Nobel, the American novelist Philip Roth won the International Man Booker Prize. However, Roth is now claiming that he no longer reads fiction. In an interview with the Financial Times of London, Roth said, I dont read it (fiction) at all. I read other things, history, biography. I dont have the same interest in fiction that I once did. I dont know, I wised up. As Alan Cheuse points out, Roth is hardly the only novelist or fiction writer to turn up his nose at what was once his craft. Tolstoy and Chaucer, among others, also renounced their former livelihoods. But it is their fiction we still read, and what makes those authors immortal. Where do you stand? What role does fiction play in your life? Is it still meaningful or, like Roth, do you feel that fiction has outlived its usefulness? Before you make up your mind, follow Ralph Waldo Emersons advice: If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.†

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Shanghai transportation PowerPoint Presentation

Shanghai transportation - PowerPoint Presentation Example ating in Shanghai city and this number is expected to rise in coming years as a result of rapid industrialization and general increase in disposable income associated with the growth of Shanghai’s economy. Motorcycles have increased over the last decade as more people prefer to use them for their convenience in snaking through traffic jams. These together with a staggering 7 million bicycles significantly increase crowding in the city (Dargay et al. 2014). Nanjing road in the city is known to be the most crowded street in the world with various holidays including New Year and Christmas among others being celebrated in it. These attract significant crowds that gather to enjoy fireworks. Shanghai is renowned for the worst rush hour traffic jams that are unmatched in any other Chinese city with a jam index of 2.16. These rush hour jams mainly occur on Monday and Thursday mornings as well as on Friday evening when the jam index as high as 2.3 has been recorded. Express ways have been built to lower the traffic jams but their effect has been minimal (Danielson, 2010). There are special lanes for buses with the city being home for the world’s broadest network of urban bus ways. There are a total of 1,000 bus routes that are run by many transportation firms. The Shanghai metro is a rapid transit system, which is a clever transportation idea comprising subways and light railways reaching all the major urban districts in the city and its suburbs (Chen, 2011). The Shanghai metro lines form the longest rapid rail network with a daily commuter population of over 7 million passengers. The bullet train is a rapid transport system that allows fast movements to and from Shanghai. Public transportation is not affected by airport operations and does not stop 2 miles from the airport as is the case in Los Angeles (Chinese academy of sciences, 2010). Public transport accounts for over 90% of the daily journeys in Shanghai, which is the highest among global cities. China does

Friday, November 1, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

International Business - Essay Example International business, provided with its nature is a principal determinant of international trade. One of the consequences on the growing achievement of international business ventures could be attributed to globalization. Trade assists in the prevention of conflict. International business fundamentally is concerned with trade, and provided that people trade, they essentially are in contact with each another. As an outcome, there is less separation that the countries are able to do. Provided that countries start to interact by means of trade, they are less expected to clash. This is also connected to the theory that democratic states are less probable to result to war with one another since they are interrelated and reliant on each others victory. There are several factors which affect the nature of international business and the companies that are involved in it. Firstly, there are challenges to the manner in which people belonging to these organizations balance their work and their personal life. Essentially, organizations should be able to work out resolutions to help boost their companies and to address this continuing challenges. However it would do well to discuss certain influences that present these challenges to international business. There are several factors which affect the nature of the organizations involved in International Business. Some of these are culture and tradition, the role played by key stakeholders, available resources in the community, public policies, as well as the demographics. Culture together with tradition affects the manner in which organizations as well as its personnel interact with each other. Culture and tradition have a tendency to affect the goal setting activity, work activity as well as feedback gathering and receiving of the organization. These two factors also have a propensity to affect the kind of allowances and rewards given, work-life interface and even